A list of the best places to picnic on Orcas Island, Lopez Island, and San Juan Island.
Doe Bay, Orcas Island
Situated on over 30 acres of waterfront property on the southeastern shores of Orcas Island is Doe Bay Resort. Accommodations, general store, acupuncture and massage, shuttles from the ferry landing, and a nice little beach.
Orcas Island's Moran State Park
Park Overview, park hours, driving directions, camping info., park activities, photos, and a brief park history.
Hiking Turtleback Mountain
Turtleback Mountain was recently opened up to the public for hiking only. Bring along your camera and a small snack for this challenging hike.
Mount Constitution Summit
The summit of Mount Constitution on Orcas Island is the highest point in the San Juan Islands. Standing at over 2400 feet it offers views in all directions. Bellingham, the Cascade Mountains, Mount Baker, Mount Rainier, Anacortes, Port Townsend, and the rest of the San Juan Islands are just some of the places that can be viewed from the summit.
Orcas Island web cam overlooking WestSound
This webcam overlooks Westsound and the Wasp Islands from Orcas Island.

This series of bucolic images depicting scenes from early to mid 20th century Orcas Island were originally unsent black & white postcards, collected by islander Mary Campbell Roebuck. Orcas photographer Peter C. Fisher and Darvill's Rare Print Shop are pleased to make them available once again for the enjoyment of those who consider Orcas Island a special place to live and visit.

A place where you can easily post your questions about visiting the San Juan Islands.